Belos-PLP at the 25th KIKE Conference and MiŚOT congress

939 registered guests, 63 accredited exhibitors, 4 parallel agenda paths and many additional attractions and opportunities for business meetings.

This is the statistics on the 25th KIKE Conference and MiŚOT congress. This is a unique event on the Polish telecommunications scene. For the first time the KIKE conference (the National Chamber of Ethernet Communication) and the MiŚOT (Small and Medium Telecommunications Operators) congress were combined. As Karol Strupień from KIKE emphasized, the organizers wanted to "take initiatives that integrate the environment of small and medium-sized telecommunications service providers". Therefore, the Belos-PLP representative could not miss this conference. We were there, and the impetus of the conference and its preparation made a great impression on us. We hope that next year we will be able to present the PLP brand among exhibitors.
Below are some photos from this event.




